Ohio Wesleyan’s baseball program took their annual spring break trip to Tennessee and Kentucky March 11-15. The team believes in taking the week to come back more connected as a team and make some memories along the way while getting in some non-conference play.
A major benefit of these trips is to improve the team’s skills prior to league play because once they enter league play, the team will need to play its best baseball. It also offers great team bonding throughout the bus ride and the week.
Tyler Mott, head coach of the baseball team, explained a few of these benefits.
“The main reason for the spring break trip is to play ball and develop our skills to help us get ready for league play. We also think it’s important to see new cities and create new experiences.”
Why should the baseball team go on these spring trips every year? The upperclassmen on the team all had similar stories and experiences when asked this question.
They thought the importance of the trip was necessary to the overall development of the team in terms of baseball but also in terms of the chemistry among the players.
DJ Neff, senior outfielder, shared some of his personal experiences involving the spring trip.
“The friendships and experiences I have had on those trips are things that I’ll take way past my last inning of baseball. One day we had off freshman year, we went to the beach and hung out. It was one of the most fun days. It’s where I got really close to a couple of my now best friends.”

This spring trip is less about baseball and more about developing relationships between the players and even the coaches. As the bonds grow stronger, the energy on the team heightens, leading to more wins.
Blake Farely, junior infielder, said these trips should continue to happen every year.
“Ultimately this trip is for the experience and to make fun with the time we have.
Four years in college go by way too quick The players enjoy a team dinner during their trip.
Photo courtesy of the team’s instagram account.
to miss opportunities like this. I believe we
should do this every year, think about the seniors. They want their last year to be the best year, so give them a fun little trip to remember.”
These annual trips have more to offer than just playing baseball in warmer weather. The experiences are the key proponents that make this trip memorable for these student athletes.
It’s not about the sport you play, but it’s more remembering the memories and lessons you learned from playing.