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Dealing with the Dog Days of Winter

Josh Ferreira

As we approach the rise of workload for upcoming midterms, this is undoubtedly the worst portion of the school year. Universally, for all OWU students, few stretches are less bearable than the weeks after the Super Bowl and before spring break. Say goodbye to football Sundays and say hello to cold and snowy walks to class! While the excitement of a new semester fades, and the New Year’s resolutions start to die off, the light at the end of the tunnel is still shining. Although the days may feel repetitive and monotonous, here are a few ways to spice up the time before spring break.

  1. Prioritize Your Physical and Mental Health

Staying active during the winter is crucial to improving mood, well-being, and everyday performance. In a time where days are spent inside, make sure to carve out time to exercise, switch up the routine, and stay active. Be kind to yourself! These times are hard for everyone. Eat well, sleep well, and take care of yourself and the ones around you.

  1. Start a new TV Series

While there is a bit of a lull in live sports due to the end of the football season, this is a perfect time to start a series with your friends. Organize a time where you can all get in on the story together, and make sure that no one skips ahead. Make some popcorn, pull up Netflix, and dive into that show you’ve been meaning to watch.

  1. Plan for Spring Break

There are only four times in a college student’s lifetime when they experience a spring break. Make it count! Book the flight, take the road trip, set the itinerary, go see family, or plan some much-needed R&R. Whatever spring break entails for you, planning will take some effort. Set aside time to make a plan and maximize time away from school.

Soon enough, the days will get longer, the sun will start shining, and finals will be right around the corner!


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