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Exam Week Tips and Tricks

Josh Ferreira

As the days get shorter and colder, final assignments are indicative of the end of a great semester. Papers, presentations, and exams are three that come up the most, and those can be stress-inducing as well as daunting tasks. Although they may seem insurmountable at the moment, these last couple of weeks will come and go just as any other, and soon enough everyone will be enjoying winter break. To make the final stretch of the semester easier, follow these simple guidelines!

‘Leave it all out on the field’

If on the drive back from school, you’re thinking to yourself “I should’ve studied harder”, your winter break is going to be tainted a little bit. To relieve yourself of all of the stress that could come about, plan accordingly and make sure you prepare yourself for every final exam that you have. 

Take care of your body and mind

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep to make sure you are well-rested and your brain is truly soaking in all of the information that you have been studying

  • Make sure you are eating the right amount of food, and the right types of food so that your brain can be fueled and ready to learn.

  • Mix in some exercise every day to ensure that your body is not getting into a lull. A walk outside can really help you refocus.

Break Time

Getting into a rut can be very detrimental to your studying habits. Scheduling break times can help out a ton, especially if you are studying all day. For example, study for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break. Intermittent studying can be advantageous and will help you perform better in the long run.

Believe in yourself

Finals aren’t the end of the world. College is more than conquerable, and if you’re in college, you are supposed to be able to succeed. Be confident in yourself and your ability to learn and you will have a successful finish to the semester!


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