There are open spots for Ohio Wesleyan students for the 2024 Mock Convention as they search for new members before the event happens on February 23rd and 24th.
Anna Nacci, head of the Communications Committee for Mock Convention 2024, has some valuable insight on why the organization has not seen quite as much interest as they could have.
“Students are already involved in tons of things on campus, so they may think they do not have time for another activity. Luckily, Mock Convention itself is only 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. on Friday, and then 9 a.m. - noon on Saturday.”
Since many students attend different clubs, Greek life, sports, jobs, and more, it could be a hard time to fit into their schedule, but as Nacci said, this event only requires participants to “commit to an evening and a morning.”
Since 1884, Ohio Wesleyan University [OWU] has woven in a still-standing tradition of a mock presidential nominating convention held every four years, representing the alternate political affiliation that is not in the control of the White House during the current term. This current year, Republicans are being represented at the university.
Nacci said the convention allows students to determine their political positions.
“I think others are hesitant because they do not have much political experience, or do not agree with the Republican Party's platform” Nacci said. “The great thing about Mock Convention is that it is exactly what the students want it to be. Students will be the ones giving speeches, voting on platform positions, and eventually nominating the candidate.”
This is an educational event, as students gain practical experience in conducting platform hearings, formulating a party platform, combined with selecting and voting for candidates to contend for the positions of president and vice president.
While Mock Convention hopes to gain new students as spots are still open and official sign up. Though the most popular way to connect people and their organizations should be reaching out through social media.
“Follow us on instagram @owumockconvention2024, and keep an eye out for our flyers around campus,” Nacci said.
With these open spots, OWU Mock Convention hopes to battle the recruitment challenges and make an impact on campus. Interested students and members of the OWU community can sign up at this link, and contact Katherine DiJulius ( with questions.