This past Saturday, November 4th, Ohio Wesleyan University held its tenth annual A Cappellooza.

The showcase featured performances from Ohio Wesleyan student groups Pitch Black and OWtsiders. The headliner for the event was from the professional group Radius, which consists of five male members.
The event was organized and funded by Ohio Wesleyan Camps Programming Board. Students and faculty were able to attend the event free of charge, while outside guests were charged a $5 fee per ticket.
Photos courtesy of Ellie Harshbarger.

Pitch Black is Ohio Wesleyan’s only non-male vocal group which is led by their President, Lily Hambric. They hold practice weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 PM in Peale Chapel. Emma Munro, class of 2024, who is a member of the group shares how the event went.
“Our performance went really well! We performed three new songs that we added to our repertoire this semester so we were a little nervous to be performing them for the first time. But in the end, we pulled it together and we’re able to have a stellar performance. I was lucky enough to be one of the featured soloists for our rendition of “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic, which was so special since this is my last acappellooza as a Senior. But one of the best parts was just getting to sing with the most amazing group of people and friends!”
The OWtsiders is run by President Shae Kline. The group features male and female voice parts of Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Base group on campus. Sam Wernert, class of 2025, shares about practice details and how A Cappellooza went for her as a member of OWtsiders.

“We practice as individual sections twice a week for 30 minutes and have a full group rehearsal for an hour on Sundays. We sang “Somebody That I Used To Know”, “What About Us”and “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.” I was super excited to have a solo especially because this was my first time singing in A Cappellooza, seeing familiar faces in the audience made me feel very supported but I also was so happy to see new faces from campus and from the Delaware community.”
The event had a good turn out from students, faculty of the university, and members of the Delaware community. Events like this are an opportunity for Ohio Wesley students to attend a show without leaving campus or paying a hefty concert ticket price.
A Cappellooza is a Fall semester event, so keep on the lookout for next year's date to be announced.