Orchesis is a beautiful night filled with dance performed each fall. After 10 years of this production, a new artistic director takes charge, Dr. Janet Shroeder.
Dance is known to be a conservative performance that tends to have a different artistic effect on everyone.
“I feel very optimistic, I feel excited, and to see new things this new director does and see what it takes us in the future with new methods and techniques,” assistant stage manager Jasmin Valenzuela said.
The remaining company of Orchesis is very excited to learn and grow from a new artist in the studio.
Both the cast and crew of Orchesis are excited to play with new artistic skills and techniques.
“There’s a different feel, but not a bad feel. Directors all work differently and it feels like bringing in different perspectives can encourage change, which is never a bad thing, it’s refreshing to get the chance to work with someone else and learn how they work through dance,” said Junior Ali Dix, the last dance major on campus.
Shroeder is not unfamiliar on campus as she taught Dance 105 last fall. “My feelings towards having a new director are somewhat biased. I took Dance 105 with Janet last fall semester and loved her. I knew that she would excel as stepping in as director for this year,” said sophomore Grace Frye.
Rashana Smith, the artistic director of Orchesis for the past 10 years, stepped down. Smith is still helping to make sure Orchesis runs well without her.
“Since I’ve worked with both Rashana and Janet before, they both bring very high energy to the table in different ways,” Frye said.
Dix, who is serving as the assistant artistic director, is very positive and excited to learn.
“Each year is going to be different no matter what or who is directing. You have all new material being introduced so there is no way to go about it other than to have an open mind and think positively.”
Both the cast and crew of Orchesis 22/23 are looking forward to working with Dr. Shroeder to make Orchesis successful this year. The attitudes from the hard working crew never change.
“I do have a different attitude., I’m always trying to make Orchesis better each year I’m in it,” Valenzuela said.