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Poll provides insights on students' opinions on OWU's new student hub - 4 articles enclosed


Students express opinions about the university's new student hub

By Izzy MacLellan

On October 3, 2024, Ohio Wesleyan University broke ground for a new social hub for students that is set to open in fall 2025. The hub will provide games, activities, outdoor seating, games such as volleyball and basketball, and a bar for those over 21 years of age. The student hub will be for all students on campus to use.

Ohio Wesleyan students were able to express their opinions of the student hub in a survey that polled 126 students. Through responses to questions regarding general awareness of the project, operation hours, concerns of alcohol, and other projects on campus, valuable insight was provided into what the student perspective is of the student hub project.

Survey results showed that 107, a majority of students, were aware of the student hub project, while 19 were not aware. Regarding hours of operation, most were split between the 55 students supporting evening hours from around 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. and the 49 students in favor of the hub being open all day, everyday. This shows a demand for the hub to have an evening availability to best-fit students’ schedules. Similarly, the anticipated frequency of visits appears to represent the students’ general availability. A majority of students see themselves visiting once or twice a week or primarily on weekends.

Worries about safety concerns, especially regarding alcohol, rose when it was announced that the student hub would serve alcohol to students. With 70 students with full belief that it is appropriate for alcohol to be served on campus and 39 unsure, students showed a mixed but mostly supportive stance.

Safety concerns were proven to be minimal with students as 76 students agreeing that alcohol being served on campus would not impact their safety concerns at all, while 47 believe it only somewhat impacts their safety concerns. A solution to minimize any safety concerns would be to limit the amount served to a customer. This was a popular idea as 79 students agreed, 20 weren’t sure, and only 27 disagreed completely.

Although the student hub has a favorable average rating of 7 out of 10, it is not the project that students on campus prioritize. Only one student stated that the student hub was the project most important to them on campus, while many students said that projects such as the library renovation and dorm upgrades are more important. Showing the student hub is a generally popular idea, but other areas are more pressing to students.

Additionally, I surveyed 10 freshman students asking them the same questions to better understand the opinion of the student hub from the underclassman perspective. Regarding overall awareness of the student hub, seven out of 10 freshmen were aware of the ongoing student hub project. A majority, but a smaller percentage compared to the pool of 126 students.

Most freshmen responses were similar to the responses of the large group. Freshmen also show a preference for the evening hours with six people supporting evening hours only and 4 supporting all-day access to the student hub. Regarding frequency of use, results were similar to the large survey with five attending a couple times a week and five saying they would only attend the weekends.

Opinions on alcohol service differed. One student stated that they did not find alcohol service appropriate on campus, while five said it was appropriate and four were not sure. Differing from the majority support of the larger survey. However, the general agreement and level of safety concern were consistent between both groups.

With another average of seven out of 10, the freshmen also seem to agree with the idea of a student hub, but it is also not a top-priority project for them. Projects like the library renovations, dorm upgrades, athletic facility upgrades, and parking expansion were all selected projects most important to these students, with no one choosing the student hub.

Many students believe the student hub could be a good way for students to connect with one another. One student liked that it could be used for different events, but also just for hanging out with friends.

“It’s a great idea for recreation and hanging out. It should be open 24/7 and should hold special events for sports or hanging, like karaoke night.”

Although the student hub is not a priority to most students at Ohio Wesleyan, the general and freshman student populations show high interest and will be able to use access to the student hub to their full advantage.

Entertainment Over Education: Students express frustration with the new student hub

By Abigail Kallay

The new student hub and bar has left students feeling frustrated as Ohio Wesleyan enters its second year without a library. The bar’s groundbreaking ceremony fueled these emotions for many.

The student hub was announced in April and less than six months later, on October 3, university President Matt vandenBerg broke ground. This multi-million dollar establishment is located at the front of Fraternity Circle.

A survey conducted by the Fundamentals of Journalism course shows students' apprehension of the bar. When asked what campus project is most important to them, only one said the student hub. However, 45 cited the library as being most important. This attitude is reflected in conversations with Ohio Wesleyan students.

“While a Student Hub is a good idea, there are many other projects that should have priority. There is no reason that a campus should not have a library that is easily accessible,” said one anonymous student.

A bar taking precedence over a library is out of character for an academic institution. Students are left to question the fundamental values of the university. This is expressed by Zoology and Botany major, Brittney Parks. She is a published researcher and spends much of her time in the science center, due to the library’s closure.

Parks wants to know, “Why is entertainment valued over education?”

The Ohio Wesleyan library website provides information on progress towards a new library but there have been no updates since the summer. Also located on this page is a form for students to express what they want to see in a new library.

However, all hope is not lost. Director of Libraries, Dee Peterson, mentioned that a meeting for the library's future is not too far away.

“An update on the plans for the library will be discussed at an upcoming town hall, which will soon be announced to campus,” said Peterson.

Students upset with the education-versus-entertainment dynamic on campus have the opportunity to make their voices heard. The town hall is a space for students and staff to make it known how they want the library to function.

While the bar’s construction is already underway, let us not forget that there are opportunities to improve campus academics. Looking towards the future, Peterson said, “We are excited to begin the next chapter along with the rest of campus.”

The Student Opinion of the Student Hub

By Nick Davis

The student hub coming to Ohio Wesleyan brings both excitement and hesitation to students. Overall, students appear to think that the student hub is a good idea but was not a top priority.

Through a survey of students, the general consensus was the student hub was about a seven out of 10, which is a pretty decent score when paired with the fact that only one student out of the 126 interviewed said that it was the most important renovation on campus.

The majority of students answered that the library or renovating dorms was their most important campus project. Over 70 percent of the students interviewed said that these issues were most important to them. Though most did not believe that it was a top priority, few were against the idea of the hub.

Most believe that the student hub can be a positive addition to campus life.

Junior Mia Jung said, “I think the student hub could be really beneficial for bringing students together, I hear alumni talk about what the student center was when they were here and I think it's cool to bring something like that back.”

Jung works alumni events at the end of the year and interacts with alumni first hand. So having a place that can reconnect students like the student center did previously, she feels is a major positive for campus.

Another student, Maria Colatruglio, gave some further insight.

“I feel like having an area that is dedicated to students that isn’t just a place to study can be beneficial to the overall mental health of students.”

The student hub provides a location on campus for students to relax and hang out with other students. Most places on campus do not offer that, there are multiple places to study or work but very few areas to congregate with others.

Colatruglio brings to awareness the need for places that better the mental health of students. The student hub offers a safe location on campus that can improve life for students.

Both Jung and Colatruglio are aware that the student hub, if used incorrectly, could become a distraction for some that take away from schoolwork. This would not be the goal of the faculty, and some would argue that it would be the student’s fault, not the fault of the student hub.

Reagan Davis, a junior cheerleader, said, “The student hub can foster an environment for connection, where students can meet other students on a similar path in life and overall expand their social circle in a meaningful way, regardless of sports affiliation, major, or Greek life. But rather the common denominator is that we're all just students here.”

Davis explains that while it can be easy for those who are a part of a team or group on campus, it can be challenging to expand one’s circle of friends to those who are not also a part of those activities.

Students express concerns, ideas, and excitement toward the new student hub

By Maelle Thompson

A new Student Hub will open on campus in Fall 2025, slated to provide games and activities, and overall enhance the student experience at OWU. The Student Hub will also include a bar for those aged 21 and over.

A survey was conducted to gauge student interest, with 126 responses being gathered. A major point of the survey was to see how the bar affected safety concerns.

A majority of students stated they were looking forward to visiting the Student Hub regularly, and a similar majority was fine with alcohol being provided on campus. 60% of those who responded went on to say it wouldn’t impact their safety concerns at all.

When students were asked to give suggestions as to how the Student Hub should operate, alcohol was a major point.

One of the respondents who mentioned alcohol was Lucy Geisler, a current freshman.

“It’s important to be mindful of how much students drink, and how that relates to the safety of activities.”

Another student echoed this idea, adding “keeping tabs on drinks is going to be important, especially if they’re going to have games like darts or anything that could hurt someone under the wrong circumstances.”

When alcohol would be served was also an important issue to a few respondents, with one in particular mentioning that weekends would be the best.

“Alcohol should only be given out on weekends. Regardless of how many drinks they set the limit at, someone’s going to miss class because of a hangover.”

Suggestions weren’t always pessimistic, with many students showing excitement for the opportunities the Student Hub could bring.

CT, a sophomore, mentioned commuter students.

“It’d be cool if there could be activities held there similar to the ones dorm floors hold so commuter students could go. We don’t have as many chances to socialize as residents do.”

Although only 9.5% of respondents were commuter students, most of them intended on attending the student hub, making it a good way to enhance student involvement across the board and not just with on-campus residents.

Ella Holtsberry also mentioned ways to involve students beyond just activities provided.

“Decorating it with student art would be cool. Allowing students to hold events there at their discretion (like having student bands perform there or get-togethers for specific groups), too.”

Although the details of its operation are murky right now, they’ll most likely be worked out by the time it opens in Fall 2025.

Overall, students are excited about the Student Hub and looking forward to nights filled with games and fun with friends. It’ll take the students themselves to make the project successful. In the words of Holtsberry, “We have to rival Denison’s Bandersnatch Hub!”


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