This is the view from right outside the current students’ apartment.
Ohio Wesleyan University’s New York Arts program is finishing up its 56th year of service to students. The program began in 1967 and has helped thousands of students in their journeys to a career in music, media, visual arts, writing, publishing, theater, dance, and much more.
The process to apply begins first by applying through the New York Arts Program’s (NYAP) website. From there students must also fill out a study abroad application at the campus’ International and Off Campus Programs office (IOCP).
If the required application documents are accepted, students move into an interview phase where they meet and discuss how they would fit into the program with one of the NYAP directors. The final step is to move to taking university required online IOCP courses that prepare them for the program and travel.
The program is mostly offered to students for one semester, but some students have the option to apply for a full semester of attending the program. Many students have expressed a positive insight of the experience they gained throughout the program, but what they are doing there is much different then the learning that would happen on campus during a semester.
Savannah Brantley, class of 2025 and a current Ohio Wesleyan Creative Writing major studying in the program for the Fall 2023 semester, shared what the program is like for her.
“Schooling here is very different from an average semester on campus, and it tends to vary depending on what part of the program you’re in. As of now, most of my time is divided up amongst my internships, and every few weeks (about two-three times a month) it is mandatory for me to attend program events at the NYAP center in Manhattan. These events include things like Colloquiums featuring working artists in NY and creative labs where students see works-in-progress in order to get a view of the creative process in a professional context. There is also a weekly seminar students are required to attend, which focuses on the subject you are here to study, and includes tasks as ‘homework’ that are critiqued in class. There are also multiple meetings held between you and the director of your seminar in order to check-in on student progress. In December, at the end of the semester, students are also asked to present a final project as a way to showcase their growth over the semester.”

Savannah with a prop from a show she helped Torn Page with during her internship.
The students participating in the NYAP are getting real life career experiences and building a network of mentors for their futures. Katie Lee, an Ohio Wesleyan 2023 graduate, studied with the program in Fall of 2021’ and shared how the program has impacted her.
“The best thing I learned from being part of the NYAP is what I discovered about my dreams for my future. I used to think I needed a set plan and path for how to get a job in the arts and how to become an artist, but through being there and seeing how the artists I worked with live I realized I am an artist no matter what happens in my life and I will always make the rest of my life revolve around my love for art. I don’t have to have a career or job in the arts to still have art be my life’s work. This has helped open up a lot more options for myself, work-wise and creativity-wise.”

This is a photo from Katie Lee showing her workspace for one of her projects she worked on during the program.
Any student who is interested in joining the program for the Spring 2024 semester should have begun their application process before now. The submission deadline was October 22nd and submissions in before this deadline are given priority. However, the program does accept applications past this period on a rolling basis determined the availability and space that they still have after the initial applications are processed. If a student is interested for the Fall 2024 semester of study these applications are due by February 25th.