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Sorority President Describes Inequities Within Recruitment Processes

Natalie Baker

While the exciting buzz of Greek Life recruitment passed through OWU in the past month, one thing not talked about was the inequalities in the recruitment process.

Avery Newcom, the President of Kappa Kappa Gamma spoke up to give her opinion. Newcom worked as the recruitment chair this year and in this position she had a clear view of the difficulties these sororities faced.

One aspect Newcom takes issue with is the fact that sororities must conform to formal recruitment. “My experience was very negative because formal recruitment is like a speed dating contest. We have to dress a certain way and even follow a certain script.” Newcom finds the process impersonal and strict.

Speaking with all of the potential new members in such a small time frame was a stressful event for Kappa Kappa Gamma members. Members found it difficult to make strong connections to the possible new members they were meeting.

This rushed and regulated recruitment process does not apply to Ohio Wesleyan Fraternities Newcom said. While sororities must go through formal recruitment, Fraternities hold informal events that leave freedom to really get to know the potential candidates and get a good feel for if they would fit well in the house.

The isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic has only added stress to the situation. “It was very hard to go from little interaction for two years to consistent socializing for hours. It felt unnatural and fake”, Newcom added. As we all go back into more and more “normal socialization” after mass quarantines during the pandemic, many feel the stress of re-socialization.

Newcom wishes to see change in Sorority recruitment process. Newcom would like to see events that fit well with their sororities’ values in a way that suits them. “Formal recruitment needs to be revised to include all sorority’s strengths and weaknesses. Kappa should be able to connect with potential members in a comfortable environment where our values shine,” she said.


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