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Staff and Students Weigh in on Presidential Search

Kaylee DeShong

Photo courtesy of John Hulkenberg via OWU Flickr.

The search is on for a new president at Ohio Wesleyan University. A president is very important when it comes to a university. So how does Ohio Wesleyan staff and students feel about the incoming president? Was it a huge loss to Ohio Wesleyan losing Rock Jones?

Vicki Lefevre, a writing center consultant at Ohio Wesleyan has been working at the university for 10 years. Lefevre has worked with the current president Rock Jones for 10 years so she does admit replacing him will not be easy.

“Rock Jones will be a hard act to follow,” Lefevre said.

Lefevre wants someone that is compassionate and a charismatic leader. She also believes it is extremely important for the new president to be passionate about DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) like Jones.

Brenda Stover, a Smith dining hall supervisor, has also worked at Ohio Wesleyan for 10 years. Stover says she may not have really gotten the chance to directly work with Jones, but she does know that Ohio Wesleyan is a good school and kids from around the world want to come here and that definitely has something to do with Jones' leadership.

Photo courtesy of Kaylee DeShong.

“This college is on the map,” says Stover.

Stover claims that she feels safe and like she matters at Ohio Wesleyan because of the things that Jones has done for Ohio Wesleyan. So, she really would like to see someone in the office similar to him.

Stover also says she would love to have a woman in the office. She claims it will show students how “a female can do whatever a man can do.”

Alexis Martin, a freshman at Ohio Wesleyan, is excited to see what the future holds for Ohio Wesleyan. The first-year student hasn't really experienced the leadership of Jones, so she doesn't really have an opinion on him. However, she does say she's hoping for a bit of diversity in the next presidential selection. Although that obviously doesn't determine if someone is a good president of a university or not, she just would love to see maybe a woman or a person of color for the next president of Ohio Wesleyan University.

“I feel like I just walk into University Hall on campus and see all the pictures of past presidents and think to myself they all look the same,” says Martin.

She feels having a woman or a person of color may make the campus become more diverse by making people feel more comfortable to be themselves.

Jones will be missed by many students and staff. Finding someone like Jones personality wise, but with different physical characteristics may be hard. Many people on Ohio Wesleyan campus think that's what we need to continue to be a great, welcoming campus.


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