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Study abroad program brings exciting opportunities and memories for students

Maria Colatruglio

Have you seen all the TikToks about having your own Mamma Mia experience in Greece? Well here at Ohio Wesleyan University this is possible. 

Kathy Habian, a junior at Ohio Wesleyan University, spent this past fall semester in Greece studying her major, business administration. 

Habian chose the program called AIFS Abroad in Athens, a program through the American College of Greece. Through her own research on the International and Off Campus Programs website and her friend that worked in the office she discovered that this program worked best for her. 

“I lived with other American students in a dorm-style apartment which helped me a lot in adjusting to my new environment. I also made friendships with Greek students in my classes! I loved being able to explore a new city for the semester and learn to navigate a foreign environment.” 

Habian said she was concerned about the language barrier and any cultural differences before going to Greece.  After returning she said that the language barrier was not as much of a struggle as she thought it would be. 

“I spent a lot of time researching the culture, so I knew what to expect. Also, the language barrier was not too bad. Most everywhere I went there was someone who knew at least some English or we were able to interact with nonverbal communication,” Habian said. 

Learn more about the program through the International and Off Campus Programs office in Slocum 311. Here you can meet your own mentor that can help with the journey of studying abroad. 

Lisa Ho, the associate director of the International and Off Campus Programs office and Habian’s mentor, answered a few questions about the programs offered. 

She recommended that students start the planning process at least one year in advance. Since most of the programs have a requirement of 12-to-15 credits she recommends studying abroad your junior or senior year. The requirements and actual programs offered are on the International and Off Campus Programs website. 

Ho said, “Anyone interested in studying abroad during their time here at OWU should feel free to drop by the IOCP office and speak to a peer mentor straight away. It's never too early to start planning.” 

Habian couldn’t say enough good things about her experience abroad.

“I would 100% recommend studying abroad!! Although it might not be for everyone, I was able to grow so much as an individual and I have zero regrets about doing it. I think it’s a great way to expand your worldview and gain a new perspective about life.”


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