The announcement of Kyle’s resignation came as a surprise to everyone who worked for him. Those who worked under him in the intramural and esports groups were shocked to hear the abrupt news. What was even more shocking was the timing of the resignation as it occurred only a month before the end of the semester.
Kyle had worked in the esports arena for 2 years and in the intramurals office for less than 1 before his departure.
“It was sudden and unexpected,” said Thurman Hou, a member of the League of Legends Esports team. “Just the day before I got the email about his resignation, we had a team meeting as if nothing was going on.”
In the short amount of time that Kyle worked for the intramurals office, he made some welcome changes to the program that garnered us more signups and increased participation in our bigger sports, such as volleyball and basketball. His ideas to have more prizes for the winning teams, as well as the raises he gave to staff members, made him well-liked and respected among the intramural team.
As we heard nothing about any ill conduct or anything that would lead us to believe he left for a negative reason, we assumed it was either due to a new job opportunity or some kind of emergency. Nonetheless, those in the intramural office and esports arena wish Kyle the best and thank him for everything he’s done for both programs.