Incoming freshmen students at Ohio Wesleyan look forward to fraternity parties. Parties are a great place to meet new people especially when you are new on campus.
However, the most common element of a fraternity party can also be the most dangerous. Alcohol for new students can be enticing but the penalties for having a drink or two can change their college experience.
Most if not all freshmen are under the age of 21 for at least their first college year. Even with knowing what the legal age is, students still break the law and sometimes do not know the consequences for getting caught drinking alcohol.
Public Safety receives information about any parties on campus and if alcohol is permitted for the party by the Student Involvement Office. A question for students when going to their first party is if they will have to provide identification to be allowed to enter the party.
Director of Public Safety Sean Bolender said fraternities have responsibilities when it comes to alcohol.
“Fraternities that obtain permission to host a social event with alcohol are required to check the age of attendees and provide a wristband for those legally able to drink.”
If caught, the alcohol will be poured out in front of the student. Once the alcohol has been poured out, instead of contacting the Delaware Police Department, they will be referred to Student Integrity and Community Standards for any disciplinary action.
A student can be put on probation if caught drinking but will most likely have to meet with Student Integrity and Community Standards on campus to discuss their actions. If the student continues, they could end up being placed on probation.
“This can depend on a number of things and is really incident specific, but generally would only be 1-2 semesters. Other influencing factors may be how someone violated the policy, and if other policies were also violated, if they have any outstanding outcomes from a previous case,” according to the Student Integrity and Community Standards