Phi Gamma Delta, or “Fiji” has been a Fraternity at Ohio Wesleyan University since Greek life first arrived on campus over 150 years ago. Since then, the University has continued to support five national fraternities, including the well-known and prosperous Phi Gamma Delta.
Photo by Aniya Johnson 25'
Being a part of Fraternity life can come with many social opportunities for members to be a part of. In this article, readers will get the inside scoop on social events, and experiences of a brother of Phi Gamma Delta. By interviewing the brothers of the Fraternity and their close friends, readers will receive firsthand information and people’s thoughts and opinions on Fiji’s social events.
The first weekend of September brought beautiful weather for a fraternity trip to Alum Creek State Park. The nearby park has a marina with pontoon boats suitable for tubing, fishing, and having a good time on the lake.
The fraternity has a yearly budget to coordinate other events such as this one, provided by graduates, donors of the house, and member fees to be able to participate in such events. Member dues are collected from each brother twice yearly, a common trait of Greek life fraternities and sororities alike, and according to the Phi Gamma Delta members on cabinet.
Isaac Henry, a senior Fiji brother and finance major, had many positive things to say about the Alum Creek weekend experience.
“I can’t say enough how grateful I am and the brothers are to be able to get to do things like this, not a lot of people have the same type of college experience that people in Greek life have, let alone a Fiji, It’s one of the types of brotherhood events we do, and being able to go off campus to do more than just what the school offers, gives you a chance to bond with your brothers in a way you wouldn't normally get to do on campus. I love Alum Creek, and it’s where Fiji goes a lot to enjoy good weather,” said Henry.
As the academic year continues, the Phi Gamma Delta brothers are looking forward to more upcoming social events and fall rush. They are hoping to bring in as many new members as possible in order to continue these traditions and share the brotherhood experience.