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What It's Like to Apply to Grad School with Callia Barwick '24

Ellie Harshbarger

Knowing your next steps for what to do after you complete your undergraduate degree can be difficult for some students. Some students are headed down paths that can allow them to go right into a career field post-grad or take the option of graduate school. 

Knowing which way to go can be stressful for students and both require time and energy to make things happen and get settled in the next steps of their life. OWU Senior Callia Barwick spent her fall semester applying for graduate school and has some advice for students considering the process.

Callia, a Politics and Government and Pre-Law Double major, shared how it “started becoming more and more clear to [her] that [she] was interested in finding a graduate program that [she] could fit around a full 9-5 job. So, starting in November 2023 [she] started to search.” 

Callia voiced that she google searched programs with her specific needs of hers. She found one best suited to her, applied for it, and got accepted. 

Callia mentioned that “[she] did her application early so that [she] could have some of the fees waived, which definitely helped!” Although Callia has gotten into the program she wants she shared that she still has four to six other programs on her mind that she might apply to if her program does not work out. 

The biggest thing to grapple with for many students is a job or graduate school, but Callia has found a way to accomplish both at once.

She shares that “[she] will want to be in the workforce, but [she] also knows that [she] wants to continue her education and not hinder [herself] from ever wanting to go back and get more degrees. That’s why having an online program where [she] can work and still get to complete school was the perfect fit for [her].”


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